Monday, January 28, 2008

News from the front lines

Hi, kids. It is, in fact, breast cancer. Full-blown, gotta have surgery and chemo and the whole nine yards breast cancer.

That also means no adoption for us. I have yet to call our agency to make it official, but that's the fact. We're going to cherish the family members we have right now and be glad for it.

But sadly, no second daughter for the Hegemom and no sister for Her Majesty.

Life can be pretty bittersweet sometimes, eh?


vonnebarnett said...

I am so sorry. You seem like a great person and I have enjoyed reading your blog. You will be in my prayers. Vonne Barnett

JackieMacD said...

Oh, I am so so sorry. I've been thinking of you constantly and was hoping to hear a better result, of course. You and your family are in my prayers.


Mommy Blogger said...

Prayers to you and your family. I can tell you are a strong, strong woman and you can kick cancer's butt. You can do it for yourself and your beautiful little girl. Please keep us updated. Hugs!
Alice (a blog-watcher)

Amy, Ryan, Aidan and Lauren said...

I am so sorry. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

Rebecca Lily said...

Stacey - girl - I am just stunned by this news. I'm not worried about the cancer - you're going to kick its hiney - just sad that this has affected your plans to adopt. :( I am so glad you have your family around you right now.


Cindy said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news...I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now. I pray God would watch over you and your family, and would give you the strength you need to get through the tough days ahead. I pray, too, for God's blessing on your family, and for healing for you.

Here is a Bible verse that I hope will encourage you: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - John 14:27


JackieMacD said...

Hi, me again...
Just wanted to let you know that I've been through the research and the surgery part... if you have any questions or just need to talk, I'm here.

R... said...

I am very very sad to hear this double sad news. I know it won't be easy, but it is possibly to beat it. I hope you will keep on blogging. Your blogging friends care about you and we want to know how you're doing along the way. We're here for you and will be here every step of the way. I hope you will take some comfort in that.

Your blogging friend,

William's Family said...


Wow... What hard news to swallow. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now. You are definitely going to be in my prayers. Please keep us posted as to how things progress.

With love and hope,
Judy K.

Mom 2 Meizhi and Kiomi said...

I am in awe and shock and, well, I am not sure what all else. This is devastating news and I am sitting here reading this and cannot believe my eyes. You are amazing to have such an awesome attitude and THAT will help you so much in conquering this. I am sad that it means stopping the #2 adoption. You know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep that sassy attitude though- Go Stacey! and I vote for multi-colored hair, when it comes to it - definitely the tatoos! I love that you have that kinda sass!
Erin and Meizhi