Saturday, January 12, 2008

Long time no blog

Hey, kids,

Sarah kindly reminded me I haven't blogged in a while and here's why. I've had what is gently known in the business as an "abnormal" mammogram. A really abnormal mammogram.

I've had tests, and tests and more tests. No one will know for sure whether it's cancer or not for much longer than seems reasonable if it happens to be your breast they're looking at.

We have one of THE BEST cancer centers in the country so I'm in good hands. The downside is I can't get in to see them for a consultation until the 22nd. The consultation won't even tell me if I have cancer for sure; the biopsy (which will be scheduled for days/weeks later, still) will tell me that. And then I will have to wait about a week for the results after the biopsy.

Let me tell you, the suspense is NOT a lot of fun. In a lot of ways, of desire and ability to adopt will turn on whether this is "the Big C" or not.

So. I've not been blogging. Mostly I've been alternating between trying to keep incredibly busy so I don't think about it, and getting really weepy.

Well, it's better now than right after coming home from Taiwan, right? (It ain't much, but at least it's a little bright spot!)



Cindy said...

I'm sorry to hear all of what you have been going through...I would imagine that it is very difficult to keep from focusing on it. I hope and pray that you will have answers soon, and that your test results will come back with good news.

Sarah said...

Thinking of you today. It was't like you not to post for so long. I've been with my mother through her biopsy before. The biopsy wasn't bad all at... it was all of the worrying and waiting... just what if she's one of the unlucky 10-15% or so that does have the big C.

JackieMacD said...

I've been wondering where you were - so sorry to hear about all you're going through. I've been there (the news/waiting) and it all worked out... it will for you, too! You're in my thoughts and prayers and feel free to email me if you need to chat.

shelley said...

Thinking of you. I will keep you in my prayers.

Sarah k said...

You are in my prayers. I am sorry you are having to go through all of this. Please keep us posted as to how you are and what is going on.... We will being thinking of you.

R... said...

Yes, we've missed you. You are an expert "waiter", so put some of those waiting skills to work. You're no different today than you were before you got this news, so try not to let it consume you. I'm so glad to know you have the best people there and I hope you won't need them! Wishing you good news of many flavors...
