Friday, December 14, 2007

Back slowly away from the mama...

Don't make any sudden movements or loud noises. Keep arms and feet away from the PAP (prospective adoptive parent). Make soft, soothing sounds and move quietly towards the exits.

It's been 158 days today since we started on the waiting list. We know absolutely nothing more than we knew 158 days ago. We're waiting for an older child, probably special needs. There's no birth mother to wait on. No huge demand for infants to contend with.

And still. It'll be 6 months soon, which was the outer limits of the quoted time frame. And we're not even close enough to the top of the list to get updates.

So. Like I said. No sudden movements or loud noises. Just pour me a nice cocktail, leave it by my keyboard, and back slowly towards the door.


Sarah said...


Mel said...

I'm just here placing a support beam...hopefully helping to hold you up. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Now, here's a nice toddy for you as I back slowly from the room....

Rebecca Lily said...

Make me one too (a cocktail).

Or two. :)